Want to know how to shift quickly?
Test & Tap® is a Revolutionary Transformational Tool that combines two proven technologies into one powerful system for rapid and sustainable change.
Imagine having the tools to shift a problem that has kept you stuck for days, weeks, months (or even years) in just a matter of minutes! Is that even possible?
Close your eyes and sense what it would feel like to be able to collapse the gap from your undesired experience to the one you prefer in a matter of seconds to minutes.
Whether you want inner peace, the ability to change your unconscious limiting beliefs about your ability to manifest true love, a new job, or something else, you could be just a few skills away.
Who is
this for?
Test & Tap Is for People Who…

What A Seasoned Psychologist Had to Say about Test &Tap®
“I came all the way to Dallas, TX from CA to prove that Test & Tap® was poppy-cock. I have to say that I’m amazed at what this technique can pinpoint. It tells you what’s really going on in the subconscious mind, rather than what you “think” is going on. After all, why fix the garbage disposal when it’s actually the dishwasher that’s leaking? TEST & TAP® tells you what the deeper issue really is. I’ve spent 30 years working on the issue [addressed in the T&T®Workshop] and I am so pleased with what I was able to transform.”
(As told by Sharon, a practicing Ph.D in Marriage & Family Counseling and Addiction Specialist, at the end of a TEST & TAP® workshop)
Sharon L., Ph.D
About LaRue
LaRue Eppler is an internationally recognized expert in the field of Applied Kinesiology, also known as Muscle Testing or Truth Testing. Over the last 30 years, she’s facilitated over 50,000 private sessions helping individuals discover how to use Truth-Testing to find the truth inside them. She is a leader in training other coaches, kinesiologists and therapists and has trained individuals around the globe.
Based in Dallas, Texas, LaRue offers in-person and telephone sessions as well as the groundbreaking Test & Tap online program, which gives people around the world access to the power of Truth-Testing in combination with the emotional freedom technique (EFT), more commonly known as tapping. She the developer of the Evo-K Method, training and certifying facilitators in her renowned rapid results technology.
She’s the proud mom of an adult son, the one for whom she got her life together by listening to the voice inside her. Her full life story can be read in her book about six ways to recognize and follow inner guidance, Your Essential Whisper.