How to Create Perfect Goals!
Have you ever really, really wanted something that you never got?
Ever lost something you valued a lot?
Have you ever looked back at any of those disappointments and realized just how lucky you were that that thing did NOT work out?
I have! His name was Joel- a tall, handsome, blue-eyed doctor.
I was crazy in love with him, so I thought. We were both in our 20’s. The connection was so amazing that we just had to be soul mates, I told myself. But, it didn’t work out.
He lived in Ohio. Me in Oklahoma. He arranged a little weekend meet up in Little Rock, AK. I was so excited to see him! He picked me up at the airport and after a little sightseeing, we headed out to dinner at a beautiful little restaurant on the river. (He had made reservations!)
Romantic, right?