Do you hold yourself back? Ever put something off for far too long, and after you’ve finally done it you think to yourself, “That wasn’t so bad. I should have done it sooner!”?
A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the two voices we hear inside ourselves. The first voice you have is the voice of God. The second one is the voice of logic. Today’s Insight is about the second voice, which can rob you of your Greatness, your Dreams, and even your Purpose!
Did you know Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Harrison Ford and even Meryl Streep despise seeing themselves on screen? That’s right! Even acclaimed actors still have a critical voice even after their award-winning talent has been validated by the masses. Mindboggling, isn’t it?
In today’s INSIGHT I share how I caught my critical voice in action and what I did about it. [For the rest of the story, please click either the photo or the title.]
I was interviewed last month for an online summit. You may have seen it. I felt really good about my interview on the day of the actual interview, but it didn’t air until 3 weeks later. In the meantime, occasionally a voice in my head would say, “You shouldn’t have worn white. Don’t wear glasses next time. Did you really say anything novel? All the other experts are going to be far superior to you.”
The thoughts were subtle and fleeting, and didn’t seem to make much of an impact, until the day I watched the interview. As I watched it I felt good about it again, just as I had on the day of the filming of interview. I felt even better about it when people began to reach out and tell me how the interview had touched them.
After the interview aired, one day out of nowhere, I had flash of insight about that voice in my head. For three weeks that nagging, critical voice said things to make me doubt myself. Despite knowing that my soul showed up for the interview, and despite knowing that I had delivered what wanted to come through me, the voice of criticism wanted to tell me otherwise.
As I stood there reflecting on what I knew to be true (the interview was good and people were served by it) I suddenly saw the critical voice in a way I had not seen before.
Until that moment the critical voice seemed believable. This time, it was absurd!
Before, I had compared myself to others or to high ideals.
This time, instead of comparing myself, I compared the critical voice.
I compared the critical voice of the ego to the knowing in my soul.
They were worlds apart!
We all have a critical voice. It’s intentions are well meaning. It’s job it to keep you safe. What have I found since I compared the critical voice of ego from the knowing in my soul?
I became BIGGER than the voice of criticism. My Soul got to take charge instead of the critical voice.
Do you relate? I’d love to hear from you ! What stood out to you from what you just read? Please post a note in the comments below!
With abiding love,
LaRue Eppler
Yes, I had a similar insight when I actually felt and knew that my addictive habit was not me and it was just a program. I could finally become bigger than it and separate from it and thus make the changes that I have been wanting for so long. I enjoyed your presentation and was inspired by you. Thanks for your honesty and transparency as well as your enthusiasm and commitment to sharing so we can become our best selves too.
Joy, I’m delighted that you got the truth – the truth that you were not the addictive habit or the program. Such freedom! My critical voice didn’t want me to send that email about the critical voice. It felt vulnerable, but vulnerability is only way to go if we choose to be free, right? Thanks for receiving my transparency and thanks for posting so that I know my words matter.
Thank you for sharing. It is very encouraging to hear you and other amazing people like you have doubts or negative self talk cause I tend to think it’s only me. The other thing I tend to think when I hear such honesty from others is, yeah, but I’m not like that cause I REALLY….
This insight not only helps me see that we all have the inner critic but now thanks to you I see a better way to handle it. The interview you spoke of had a profound effect on me. I’m so thankful I got benefit from it. Best wishes to you beautiful Larue! ?
Rose, that’s exactly why I shared about the critical voice in my own head. I know how hard people are with themselves and I want everyone to know that we all have an inner critic, even the highly evolved people that I’ve met. Almost everyone I’ve worked with believes, in some way, they are flawed or not-enough. So often personal growth become personal persecution when self-love is the reason for personal growth to begin with. I’m delighted that you got benefit from my interview and this Insight. Thanks for posting, Rose.
What a great message LaRue! I appreciate how you continue to show us these simple yet profound ways to hear and heed our Soul’s wisdom. Thank you!
Mark, since I renounced the need to suffer, I find it easier and easier to see through illusions/patterns and hear the Soul.
Lovely to hear your experience of soul Management
Much love
I love the term “soul management”!
Blessings to you that you shared this story! I had the most wonderful experience not only listening to your interview with Natalie Hill, but an even greater honor to correspond with you after. You, my dear friend have truly uplifted me! Sharing your history and journey from your past experiences to now is so valuable. To know that you too experience the “critical voice” just like I do again demonstrates how true and real you are. Again, another uplifting moment for me. As you share, the critical voice is absurd, but for me far too easily listened to and self limiting. When I hear my critical voice, you have given me a tool-compare the critical voice to what my soul is saying to me with a loving voice. Allow my inner voice to be the voice in control!!
With much gratitude and appreciation,
Anne, I’m delighted for the interaction with you. How absolutely wonderful that you have a tool to compare the critical voice to what your soul is saying!
Thanks so much for sharing LaRue – another really useful, practical guide to finding truth. Finding my truth 💜
I also love one of your previous answers too. I renounce the need for suffering – I’m using that as my meditation today. Thank you with my whole heart. I love your work and hugely grateful for it xx
Audrey- I like your idea to mediate on “Renouncing the need for Suffering”. Brilliant!
Sometimes you really need to notice that voice and acknowledge what it is saying and then tell it to be quiet!! Too many times the voice is just going off over and over and we are not really noticing and telling it NO!!
That’s so true, Brenda!